Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers S1 Episode 60-An Oyster Stew: Summary And Thoughts

Pictures belong to Power Rangers Wikia.

Zack wants to once again impress his crush Angela by getting her some pearl earnings for her birthday. However, he's broke and can't get anything genuine. Rita then gets the idea to give Zack some "Pearls of Stillness" in which, who ever puts the earnings on freezes everything around them. Zack buys them cheap from a Putty disguised as a strange man. Later, Zack and Angela along with Tommy and Kimberly go to the cafe and eat. After the 2 guys leave to clean up after an incident, Angela begins to put the earrings on. The other 3 Rangers rush in to tell her not to, but its to late. Zack and Tommy go and fight the Oysterizer and Tommy even gives Zack his shield. The Oysterizer gets weakened and somehow, this undoes the spell. Angela dumps Zack, but then he and the other 5 get back to work. The Megazord/Dragonzord defeat him. Angela later then apologizes for being so materialistic. 

Well I first saw this episode on ABC Family in October 2004 and I gotta say watching it for the second time in my life, it's a very clever episode. It has a good moral about "not buying friendship" and what not and had some unique moments like Zack wearing Tommy's Shield, the Megazord being used for a fight underwater and Bulk and Skull's singing. (Not to mention Zack's). However, there were some "hiccups" in this one. One, how did defeating the Oysterizer break the spell that the pearls caused? Second, why did Zack morph twice? Couldn't have Zordon contacted the other 4 Rangers on their Communicators and tell them that Zack and Tommy needed them at the beach instead of Zack demorphing, going back to the cafe, tell them and morph again? And finally, what was the point about that big pearl in the ocean? This didn't feel good enough to end Season 1, but it would have made sense seeing how in Season 2 they would get a new threat. Mighty Morphin Mutants would have been a better final episode though.

Overall, it's a decent episode and deserves a


MegaForce returns next week.

Next Episode:
Robo Knight
March 30th 

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